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1st Month

Foto do escritor: Desenvolvimento InfantilDesenvolvimento Infantil

In this early life, the baby does not control even the muscles of the eyes. Of all your senses, vision is the least developed because it was not required during pregnancy. In the newborn, its range is 20 to 30 centimeters, about the distance between the baby's face and the mother's face at breastfeeding. The child cannot focus on objects beyond this measure. Images are blurry and double because the two retinas are not yet joined. The baby is nearsighted. To help this advance, place colored mobiles over the crib. The baby's gaze is attracted to moving objects of contrasting colors such as black and white. At 6 months, the vision will be almost the same as that of an adult. The newborn's hearing, by contrast, is as good as that of the parents, because it begins to develop from the fifth month of pregnancy. The fetus listens to the movements of the maternal organs. The beating of the mother's heart generates noises that can reach 95 decibels. As much noise as a helicopter in flight. Therefore, at just 3 days, the baby recognizes the mother's voice and, at 20, makes sounds in response or turns his head toward the noise. At 1 month he records the word sequence and at 8 weeks he will be able to demonstrate a preference for the mother tongue. The taste of the newborn is also sharp. "He has the ability to distinguish the salty, sour, bitter and sweet. Likes the last," says pediatrician Rosa Resegue. According to her, in the early days the baby recognizes breast milk among that of other breasts. At this beginning, she can breastfeed about ten times a day and sleep for 20 to 22 hours. Food and sleep are gradually entering the routine. Awake, the baby looks squeaky and scared in his movements. He does not control them, they are involuntary reflexes.

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