1st Month
In this early life, the baby does not control even the muscles of the eyes. Of all your senses, vision is the least developed because it...
In this early life, the baby does not control even the muscles of the eyes. Of all your senses, vision is the least developed because it...
One of the great milestones of this period is the social smile. "It indicates that the child's psychic and affective development is doing...
The mouth is the baby's main instrument for knowing the world. It discriminates consistency, volume, textures of objects, people and even...
The baby goes to sleep practically all night long. During the day is more active. I smiled a lot. The mouth remains the center of...
The main gain of this period is to rotate the waist. Lying down, the child first tosses the bowl to the side, then the legs and then the...
The baby begins to sit with pillows and pillows because it has full control of the chest and pelvis. Toys need to be around. Attempts to...
The 'no' begins to gain meaning. Use your body to achieve your goals and satisfy your curiosity. For example, jogging to reach a toy. Do...
Memory is the capacity to be most developed at this stage. Search for the hidden object. Recognizes games, songs and family rhymes....
Do things with your body, such as saying goodbye or stretching your foot to be shod. Begins to repeat rhymes with associated movements....
Plays with books and their illustrations. Play throwing objects, looking for them or interacting with others to look for them....
Develops a sense of humor. He acts consciously in seeking the attention and reaction of adults, giving thanks. He shakes his head to say...
Interact according to the social rules you are taught, such as greeting with a kiss. Say words and understand simple phrases and phrases...
Physical development • Start walking, up and down stairs, up furniture, etc. - Balance is initially quite unstable as the leg muscles are...
Physical development • As your balance and coordination increase, your child is able to jump or jump from foot to foot when running or...
Physical development • Great motor activity: run, jump, start climbing stairs, can start riding a tricycle; great desire to experience...
Physical development • fast muscle development; • Great motor activity, with greater control of movements; • Can brush teeth, comb and...
Physical development • Manual preference is established; • Can dress and undress on her own; • Ensures your hygiene with autonomy; • You...