Physical development
• Manual preference is established;
• Can dress and undress on her own;
• Ensures your hygiene with autonomy;
• You may experience stomach pain or vomiting when forced to eat foods you do not like; has a preference for poorly prepared food, although it accepts a wider variety of foods;
Intellectual Development
• Speaks fluently, using the plural, pronouns and tenses correctly;
• Great interest in words and language;
• You may stutter if you are very tired or nervous;
• Follows instructions and accepts supervision;
• Know the colors, numbers, etc.
• Ability to memorize stories and repeat them;
• Can group and sort objects by size (smallest to largest);
• Begins to understand the concepts of "before" and "after", "above" and "below", etc., as well as concepts of time: "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow";
Social development
• The mother is still the center of the child's world, so you may be afraid of not seeing her again after a separation;
• Copies the adults;
• Plays with boys and girls;
• You are calmer and less demanding in your relationships with others. Can only play with another child or with a group of children, expressing a preference for same-sex children;
• Play independently without requiring constant supervision;
• Begins to be able to wait for your turn and to share;
• Know the gender differences;
• Enjoy chatting during meals;
• Begins to be interested in where babies come from;
• It is in a phase of greater conformity, being critical of those who do not behave the same way;
Emotional Development
• You may have some fears: of the dark, of falling, of dogs or of bodily harm, although this is not a phase of great fears;
• If you are tired, nervous or upset, you may experience some of the following behaviors: biting your nails, repeatedly blinking your eyes, sniffing, etc .;
• Is concerned with pleasing adults;
• Greater sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others;
• Ashamed easily;
Moral Development
• Because of your great concern for doing things well and for pleasing, you may sometimes lie or blame others for objectionable behavior.