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2nd to 3rd Year

Foto do escritor: Desenvolvimento InfantilDesenvolvimento Infantil

Physical development • As your balance and coordination increase, your child is able to jump or jump from foot to foot when running or walking; • It is easier to manipulate and use objects by hand, such as a crayon to draw or a spoon to eat by yourself; • Gradually begins to control the sphincters (first the intestines and then the bladder); Intellectual Development • Phase of great curiosity, the question "Why?" Being very frequent; • As your language skills develop, your child begins to express himself in ways other than physical exploration - it is about bringing together physical and language skills (eg when I do this, it happens that), which helps their cognitive development; • Can produce regular 3 and 4 word sentences. From 32 months, already able to talk to an adult using short sentences and to continue talking about a subject for a brief period; • Development of self-awareness: The child may refer to himself as "I" and may be able to describe himself in simple phrases such as "I am hungry"; • Memory and ability to concentrate have increased (the child is able to return to an activity he or she has interrupted by remaining focused on it for longer periods of time). • The child is beginning to form mental images of things, which leads to the understanding of concepts - progressively, and with the help of parents, is able to understand concepts such as inside and outside, up and down; • At around 32 months, she begins to grasp the concept of simple numerical sequences of different categories (eg, can count to 10 and form groups of objects - 10 plastic animals can be 3 cows, 5 pigs and 3 horses); Social development • The mother is still a very important figure for the child's safety, not liking strangers. From the age of 32 months, the child should already react better when separated from the mother to be in custody of someone else, although some children make this progress with less anxiety than others; • Imitates and tries to participate in adult behaviors: eg washing dishes, putting on makeup, etc .; • Can participate in activities with other children, such as listening to stories;

Emotional Development • Initially the range of emotions is vast, from pure pleasure to frustrated anger. Although the ability to express emotions freely is considered healthy, the child will need to learn to deal with his emotions and to know what feelings are appropriate, which requires practice and help from parents; • At this stage, tantrums are one of the most common ways a child gets attention - usually due to changes or events, or a learned response (tantrums are often related to the child's frustration and disability. communicate effectively);

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